*** Secure The Role Acting Challenge is currently On Hold until further notice as Langston focuses on writing Feature Screenplays (further details on 'About Langston' tab)***

Secure The Role's!  
Mission Statement 

Our Goal.....

To provide a platform that supplements the Acting Talent’s existing efforts to realize their acting dreams and passions. 
Secure The Role! serves as an additional opportunity for Acting Talent to showcase their creativity and acting skills through unique, yet fun and entertaining, acting contests. 
Furthermore, Secure The Role! aims to help increase the Acting Talent’s visibility among industry peers and professionals, by sharing their creative gifts and acting value with the viewing public.

Secure The Role's! 
Vision For The Future

.....to expand our current acting contest scope from competitions focused solely on acting, to competitions for Acting Talent AND Aspiring Screenwriters and Directors.

.....to grow financially so that larger cash prizes can, not only, be awarded to 1st place winners; but, cash prizes can be offered to other Finalists as well. 

.....to grow the Secure The Role! Acting contests in popularity among both film/tv industry professionals and the general public alike --- to the point where cash prizes pale in comparison to the heightened positive exposure that finalists will receive.